ಗೊಂಬೆಯಾಟ ಮತ್ತು ರಂಗ ತರಬೇತಿ ಕೇಂದ್ರ
(Centre For Theatre, Puppetry and Theatre For Education)
“Puppet House” is a practicing centre for both Theatre and Puppetry founded in 1996 by Dr. Prakash Garud and Rajani Garud with like minded people of theatre in Dharwad. It is the place where all the Puppet House activities were functioning. .
Puppet House is regularly conducting Children Theatre Workshop by introducing puppetry in children theatre camps, which gave wide scope for children theatre. It is our initial step to enhance puppet theatre and expand its scope, which was a neglected form till today. ‘Puppet House’ fortified with the knowledge and experience gained out of theory and practical studies in the field of Leather Shadow Puppet Theatre, is going ahead with purpose of rejuvenating and making the puppet theatre relevant to the contemporary theatre forms. The task of bringing rural folk arts like Puppet Theatre out of museum to the people stage involves moulding of that rural folk art forms to grow to their deserving heights Puppet House is dedicated to strive to make this dream work a reality.
The core groups of Puppet House are trained in theatre basically. Since the troupe inception has done several drama and puppet play productions, workshops with adult and as well as with children in Dharwad and other part of the sate, conducting the workshop with teachers to develop alternate way of teaching through theatre and puppetry media. To create theatre appreciation among youths Puppet House conducting regularly theatre workshops for college students.
In the name of Late Sadashivarao Garud the Legend of Kannada Professional Theatre Puppet House started “Sadashiva Natya Sangh” to revive company dramas (Sangeeta Nataka) with contemporary actors. The unit Sadashiva Natya Sangh is also produces contemporary plays. Puppet House collected more than 100 Natya Sangeeta poems of Kannada Professional drama theatres, preferably North Karnataka region. It produced Garud Sadashivaro’s Sangeeta Nataka “Vishama Vivah”.
Puppet House is a “Centre for Theatre and Puppetry”. It undertook some projects like collaborative art project through which developing the Leather Shadow Puppetry for the contemporary audience especially for children. The collaboration took between contemporary theatre artists, visual artists, traditional leather puppeteers, children playwright, musicians, and children. The project has been supported by India Foundation For The Arts, Bengalooru, in the year 1997-1998 again in 1999-2000 to disseminate contemporary leather shadow puppet play. In 2003 -2004 Sir Ratan Tata Trust gave financial support for the same purpose. Central Sangeeta Nataka Akademy, New Delhi from past five years regularly supporting Puppet House activities.
(1) Theatre For Education, (2) Semi-professional Theatre producing contemporary plays with local theatre artists.(3) Children Theatre camps (Summer Vacation) (4) “Belagu” College Theatre Activities (5) Revival of Leather Shadow Puppetry (6) Dissemination of contemporary Leather Shadow Puppetry (7) Developing the compendium of puppetry, its use in eradication of child labour and promote child education. (8) Revival of Natya Sangeeta and Sangeeta Nataka form.(9) For D. Ed., and B. Ed., Teachers Training Programme in Theatre.
(1) Gardhapa Manushyana Prahasana (A MAN OF AN ASS). (2) Kempu Hu (THE RED FLOWER) (3) Hakki Hadu ( BIRD’S SONG) (4) Akata Vikata Vilakshana(OUR FRIENDS THE OGRES) (5) Angula Huluvina Parakaya Pravesha (A Poem written by A. K. Ramajujan transformed into puppet play). (6) Gombe Ganeshana Nyaya (Judgement of Lord Ganesha).
(1)Anju Mallige. (2) Choorikatte. (3) Sirisampige. (4) Jadbharatana Kanasugalu. (5) Murukasina Sangeeta Nataka (Brects Three Penny Opera) (6) Janapeetha Awardee Dr. D. R. Bendre’s 12 on act plays (7) Smashana Kurukshetra. (8) Shoodra Tapasvi. (9) Mahamayi. (10) Beppu Takkadi Boleshankara. (11) Bettale Vesha. (Dario Fo’s “One was Nude One Wore Tails) (12) Oedipus.
(1) Puspa Rani. (2) Panjara Shale.(3) Hakki Bekkina Ata.(4) Chor Charanadasa. (5) Kappu Kageya Hadu. (6) Toogu Tottilu. (7) Akata Vikata Vilakshana. (8) Gardhapa Manushyana Prahasana. (9) Nani Bhattana Swargada Kanasu. (10) Dham Dhoom Suntaragali. (11) Emperor’s New Clothes.
(1) For the last ten years, we conducted more than 100 theatre camps for children. (2) Theatre Workshops for youths in Dharwad. (3) “Belagu Yuvarangotsava” for college students (4) Theatre For Education workshops (Full time and Part time) for D. Ed and B. Ed students. (5) Theatre and Puppetry workshop in Jawarharlal Navodya Vidyalaya. (6) Theatre puppetry workshop in TVS school Tumakur and Hosur. (7) Puppetry workshop in craft museum, New Delhi. (8) Puppetry workshop in Chamaraj Nagar for youths in eradication of child labour in association with International Labour Organisation, Child Labour Eradication project Chamarajnagar. (9) Puppetry workshop for Folklore students, Karnataka University, Dharwad. (10) Puppetry workshop for Rural Home Science Women College, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
(1) Baharoopi Festival organized by Rangayana Mysore. (2) International Story Telling workshop organized by Kathalaya Bengalooru. (3) National Theatre Festival (South) organized by National School of Drama, Regional Resource Centre, Bengalooru. (4) Kataputali National Puppetry Festival in Lucknow, organized by Sangeeta .Nataka Academy.(5) Bahuroopi Festival – in Dharwad by Rangayana Mysore. (6)Dharwad Utsava-2006-07, 2007-2008. (7) Jaipur Utsava, Jaipur.
Puppet House has given nearly 500 shows of contemporary Leather Shadow Puppet Plays and 100 shows of its contemporary play productions.
A puppetry compendium published in Kannada “Matadu Matadu Gombmeye” (Speak ! ‘O’ Puppet ! Speak !) with the support of International Labour Oranisation.
Puppet House is making intervention in D. Ed Teachers Training programme through theatre and puppetry. This training programme is to train the D. Ed., teachers in art related field emphasis will be given to explore use the strength of theatre and puppetry media in creative teaching. A ample experiments are going on to improve the teaching efficiency of Primary School Teachers Training in the composite art like theatre will be the best media to improve the efficiency of teachers. The basic objective is also to create theatre appreciation among primary school teachers, so that at primary level itself, children could develop aptitude and creativity through theatre.
Theatre training for teachers will help the teachers to develop communication skill questioning and enacting the part, critical thinking, community living, language development and improvising the situation and aptitude for music and craft. The theatre activity will get momentum in rural areas, because D. Ed passed out teachers will mostly get jobs in rural primary schools. In the NSERT syllabus of D. Ed teachers training programme theatre, music, craft, puppetry training has been included. But, most of the D.Ed., colleges are not given much importance for above said training. Puppet House would like to take up that task and do the training in art related subjects for D.Ed., students.
Introducing 1½ months Theatre For Education Training Programme for D. Ed., Students :
In Karnataka nearly 1000 Aided and Unaided D. Ed. Colleges conducting 2 year Teachers Training Course. Every year nearly 40-50 thousand students will get the D. Ed degree. The teachers who will get the Government Job will recruited in village government schools. Puppet House strongly suggest to introduce atleast 1½ months “Theatre For Education” Training to every D. Ed., First year students to enhance their teaching ability and also develop Theatre Appreciation among children.
(1) We conducted 1 month - 2 month and 3½ month Theatre and Puppetry Training programme for D. Ed First year students. (2) College has to provide working place and minimum 25 students and maximum of 50 students for each batch. (3) Daily 3 hours has to be spare for this workshop. (4) Activities like Theatre appreciation, theatre games, poetry appreciation, craft, music, and story telling, puppetry and creative teaching process, alternative teaching, environment awareness, children play writing, street play, painting will be carried out in this workshop. (5) One play and one puppet play will be produce during end of the workshop. (6) As interactive programme the trained teachers will give performance in different schools and D. Ed colleges nearby. (7) The D. Ed teachers who will complete the Theatre for Education training and would like to do theatre activities in schools will be encouraged by the puppet house. They will be given technical suggestions and explore the financial assistance. (8) The D.Ed teachers who have completed the Theatre For Education course will be involved in nearby children theatre summer vacation training camps as associate or production director depending upon their ability.
(1) The duration of the workshop will be 3 days to one week. (2) This workshop is to give basic orientation about Theatre and Puppetry for Teachers and Children and look at teaching process in alternative and creative way. (3) This is full time (3 to 1 week) workshop. (4) This workshop aims at exploring the Theatre media and Puppetry media for creative teaching process.(5) The workshop also discusses various new experiments in creative way of learning and teaching. (6) The workshop mainly aims at involving primary and secondary school teachers. (7) The workshop conducts story telling, language development through theatre. (8) This workshop is to discuss with teachers about relation between puppetry theatre and education. (9) The workshop also gives basic training to the teachers in making the simple teaching aid with low cost material.(10) The workshop also discusses with teacher about children literature, children plays and play writing.
(1) To develop basic appreciation in youths about theatre. (2) To create platform to exhibit histrionic talents among youths. (3) To develop theatre as regular activity in college level. (4) To develop theatre criticism play writing among youths.
In general, in the colleges the dramas are taught as only literature. The relation between performance and text are not considered for discussion. So, the dramas are remained only as text or as literature. Students are learning the dramas as literature only or only to score marks for it as additional subject. Elements of performance, elements of drama are not taught in colleges. Hence, it is necessary to create atmosphere in the colleges by conducting the Theatre Appreciation Workshop.
• The general 3 days theatre appreciation workshop will be for all the interested students.
• Followed by the 3 weeks workshop will be for selected 20-25 students.
• Every day minimum 3 to 4 hours has to be spare for the rehearsals by the college for selected students.
• College has to provide working place.
• Voluntary financial contribution for the production will be appreciated. It is to encourage the theatre activities in colleges.
• Selected students are to be paid entry fees, it will be decided in consultation with the college authorities.
• The main objective of the college theatre workshop is to try out possibilities of introducing drama as one of the subject in colleges and practically executing the theatre activities in colleges.
• Depending upon number of college participation, Puppet House holds Belagu Yuva Rangotsava every year.
A. Summer Vacation Camp
• To develop theatre appreciation and enhance creativity among children, we conduct Summer Vacation Theatre Camp for children every year.
• Children between age group of 7 to 11 will participate in this camp for 3 weeks.
• Children will spend their summer vacation meaningfully, interacting with various art forms and express themselves freely.
• Small skits, plays will be staged by the children at the end of the workshop.
• Theatre games, craft, mask and puppet making, story telling etc., will be taught in the workshop by the method of self expression.
• Folk art forms will be introduced to the children.
• Children will interact with poets, dramatists, children playwrights, environmental and other noted persons during the workshop.
B. Short Term Workshops for Children • To create appreciation for Theatre we conduct short term workshop say 3 days to one week for children during their academic days. This is to make an intervention through art during their academic study days and make their classroom study more enjoyable.
• The workshop also concentrates on to develop communication skills, language development among children.
To bring repertory discipline with the amateur theatre artists we have taken up semi professional theatre activities in Dharwad. The objective of this activity is to bring professionalism in amateur theatre artists. Amateur theatre artists will be working in different fields and having aptitude for theatre such artists will work as part time theatre activists.
In Semi professional theatre activities we will try to bring professionalism of repertory theatre in amateur theatre activities. Yearly we produce 2 plays and give at least 25 shows in a year.
• The team will consist of 15 member artists.
• The artists will be paid equal remuneration per shows.
• Yearly 2 to 3 productions will be done with them.
• If possible 1 puppet production will also be done with them.
Garud family is known for its contribution to the professional theatre (Sangeeta Nataka) in Karnataka. Sadashivarao Garud (1882-1954) was ardent practitioner of “Sangeeta Nataka”. He was a playwright, actor and director. Through his company “Sri Dattatreya Natya Sangh” he traveled all over Karnataka during the period 1910 to 1942 and gave thousands of play performances. His plays raised voice against British Rule. Theatre acting for him was not just entertaining the audience for him, it also educative and create social awareness among people. Prakash Garud is the third generation of this theatre family.
Garud couple took basic training in contemporary theatre from NINASAM theatre institute. They worked in various fields of theatre. Along with theatre, they also worked in the field of puppetry specially ‘Leather Shadow Puppetry’ of Karnataka. With his team, they worked collaboratively with stage artists, visual artists, children script writer, traditional puppeteers and evolved contemporary ‘Leather Shadow Puppet Repertory’ company called “Chayachalane”. The project was funded by India Foundation For The Arts, Bengalooru in 1996. With that “Puppet House” started to work in both theatre and puppetry field. Rajani Garud incorporated theatre and puppetry media in primary education and established an alternative school called “Balabalaga” in Dharwad in 1996.
PUPPET HOUSE (Gombemane)
# 9, 2nd Floor, Suvidha Apartments,
Kabbur Road, Malmaddi,
DHARWAD – 580 007
Telephone : 0836-2745460
email : gombemane@gmail.com